Film Director

Explore the diverse artistic pursuits of Ty Holzwarth's portfolio.

Limbo | Award Winning Short Film

I'm so proud of this project! Alongside Nick Hawley my close friend and film partner, the whole production process with writing, filming, editing and music design was completed in the span of 5 days in order to make the deadline for GCU College of Fine Art's Official Fall Film Festival. Competing with one other film in the Faith category, it won the Best of Faith Short Film Award. The prize for the award are tickets to the Sundance film festival and I'm so excited to be in attendance at the end of January!

Sundown | Official Short Film

This was by far the biggest production I've ever had the pleasure of directing. It being second large scale short film I've directed, I learned so much about being an artist working under extreme pressure. Being able to hold onto the true artistic vision while simultaneously handling 100 other logistical problems on set is a skill this project had a huge hand in developing but ultimately came down to a great team around me with Tony Acevedo who wrote acted and produced and so many other talented film makers.